Regenerative Garden Experience

Ever wondered what
soil regeneration
looks like here in Singapore?

Fancy dipping your toes in water and having your hands caked in healthy soil? Keen for a new experience in the outdoors with your partner? We are now hosting private tours for small groups at our regenerative gardens around Singapore!

Each program is around 3 hours, with flexibility for adjustment.

Please write in to us with your preferred time and date, and we will get back shortly!

A tour of the regenerative garden and sharing about:

  • How the garden came to be, and how the soil has improved over the years.

  • Participants will get to contribute to the garden through physical garden work, such as composting and pruning the plants.

In this session, you will also:

  • Participate in citizen-led action research through soil explorations and observations.

    This includes digging different plots to observe and understand soil health, and earthworm count as another health indicator.

  • At the end of the session, participants will get to harvest some herbs from the garden to take home.

The Flow

Welcome & Tour of the regenerative garden and how it was designed for biodiversity (30 mins)

Understanding the impact of human practices (urbanisation) on soil (20 mins)

Garden contribution - bring food scraps to compost, pruning, watering, and weeding (45 mins)

Break >>> (15 mins)

Citizen Action Science - soil explorations and observations (digging in different plots to observe and understand the soil health, earthworm count as another health indicator (30 mins)

Questions, Reflections and Closing (20 mins)